Posted on 7/31/2023

Dogs love a good old chase! My mind immediately went to a childhood memory I have of our dog Cookie. Cookie was a white lab that loved to chase tractors down the gravel road. He also was there for all the shenanigans the 4 of us came up with! And there were many! Do you have a pet memory from your childhood? Please share.  
Posted on 7/28/2023

Friday... the gateway to a great weekend! Enjoy everyone! See insights and ads Boost post Like Comment Share  
Posted on 7/26/2023

Who remembers these two characters and the TV show they were on? Oh, those were the days! The show was cast on CBS starting in 1955. Even though that was before some of us were born, the memories are still there. The show last until 1984! The link below has a wealth of information about this show and its characters. Have a fantastic Wednesday everyone!  
Posted on 7/25/2023

Oh, the joys of cooking! NOT! I only cook because I have to. Going out to eat is expensive and the health benefits are almost zero! I'm fortunate that Jim likes to cook. I get the honor of cleaning up before and after eating, but it is SO worth it! So, I will continue to plan the meals, shop for the food and help Jim with some of the prep work (maybe) and clean up afterwards. A win-win for both of us!  
Posted on 7/24/2023

The saying goes, "cats have 9 lives". This kitten has gotten a jump start on those 9 lives! On Friday, some young ladies stopped by the shop for some help. They had stopped earlier in the day to pick up this sweet kitten who they had observed wandering the streets. As they drove, the car's glove box popped open, and the kitten made a mad dash for it; hoping it was a way to freedom! Before the ladies could grab the kitten, he/she climbed behind the glove box. Oh no! Now what? They stopped at Bob's praying that we could assist them in getting the kitten safely out of this precarious situation. Jim to the rescue! The kitten gave one loud hiss and soon realized that he/ she had been rescued. The ladies took the kitten to the vet for a check up on their way out of town. Happy travels little kitty!