Posted on 2/8/2024

This saying just spoke to me today. I think the author was thinking it as a motivational phrase for CHANGE. As a motivational phrase it could be applied to so many things. For example, our eating habits, spending habits, exercise habits. Perhaps, one or more "bad" habits needs to be modified or changed a bit. Okay, so this phrase speaks to me in several areas of needed change! I'll start with one and go from there.... I promise! It could also be motivation to KEEP DOING what you are doing! Maybe you have already made a major change. This phrase could be a reason to keep doing what you are doing! Hope your days has been a good one! Now back to my promise....  
Posted on 1/22/2024

Such a good reminder for this Monday. Having some time for ourselves may come easily for some of us. While for others, time for ourselves has to be specifically carved out of our day-to-day lives. I think back to when our children were growing up. Those relaxing or do-nothing moments definitely had to be planned! It was too easy to give all the attention to the kids and then no energy to spend time by ourselves as parents. And personal time for just us, (no spouses, friends or any human) DOESN'T HAPPEN unless you plan for it! While we may not have caught on right away... we definitely "caught on" soon enough! Now the kids are out of the house and those alone times comes easily. Sometimes too easily. One phone call, text or video chatting can change all that! Love those moments too!  
Posted on 9/28/2023

We hope your September was filled with some wonderful memories. And may your October be grand!  
Posted on 7/17/2023

Mondays can be slow moving.... just keep going. Before you know it, you will have a day off! May your week go fast and the joys be many!  
Posted on 5/25/2023

As we head into this Memorial Day weekend let us take a moment to remember our fallen soldiers and those that currently serve in the military. We are forever grateful for your service. THANK YOU