Posted on 1/31/2024

January 31st! We have made it through the first month of 2024! While some of us are thankful for the snowstorm we received, others are thankful it was just ONE big snowstorm (and secretly hoping it will be the only one!). February gives us another chance to continue any resolutions that we started in January. Or perhaps another chance to make changes that have been on our minds. Either way, February is a clean slate! Make it a good one!  
Posted on 1/30/2024

Can you still drive your car if the windshield has a crack in it? That all depends on the size, location and type of crack. Large cracks that are in your view while driving need immediate attention. Same is true for cracks that threaten the structural integrity of the car. Windshields do help support the strength of the frame around the windshield. When you have multiple cracks or cracks that spread to the edges of the windshield, contacting the professionals is needed. For smaller cracks that do not spread, there are options for a possible fix rather than replacing. Check with the professionals for all your options.  
Posted on 1/29/2024
This Friday, February 2nd, is Groundhog's Day! Are we going to have 6 more weeks of winter or will the next 6 weeks be more spring-like weather? The tradition is based in Pennsylvania and involves Punxsutawney Phil, a local groundhog. The following diary entry was posted on February 4th, 1841, of Berks County, Pennsylvania: "Last Tuesday, the 2nd, was Candlemas day, the day on which, according to the Germans, the groundhog peeps out of his winter quarters and if he sees his shadow he pops back for another six weeks nap, but if the day be cloudy he remains out, as the weather is to be moderate." So, Bob is wondering if he will be wearing his baseball cap or his winter hat the next 6 weeks. Place your vote in the comments: Thumbs Up = Phil did not see shadow-- 6 weeks milder weather Angry face = Phil saw shadow-- 6 weeks of winter weather  
Posted on 1/22/2024

Such a good reminder for this Monday. Having some time for ourselves may come easily for some of us. While for others, time for ourselves has to be specifically carved out of our day-to-day lives. I think back to when our children were growing up. Those relaxing or do-nothing moments definitely had to be planned! It was too easy to give all the attention to the kids and then no energy to spend time by ourselves as parents. And personal time for just us, (no spouses, friends or any human) DOESN'T HAPPEN unless you plan for it! While we may not have caught on right away... we definitely "caught on" soon enough! Now the kids are out of the house and those alone times comes easily. Sometimes too easily. One phone call, text or video chatting can change all that! Love those moments too!  
Posted on 1/19/2024

Let's explore what it takes to start your vehicle's engine. Basically, it boils down to 3 things: spark, air and fuel. If you do not have any one of these, your car will not start. The 4 main car parts responsible for starting a car included: *the battery *starter *ignitions switch *fuel system It all starts with the battery! It provides the initial power needed to start your vehicle. If your vehicle would not start in these frigid temps; perhaps it was a weak battery. Cold weather is so hard on batteries and if it is weak to start with, well you know what happens. The next part is the starter. It CRANKS the engine. Cranking is different that starting. Perhaps you have had your vehicle crank over but wouldn't start. You may have had a bad starter, not a bad battery. Next, the ignition switch turns on the power to the starter. It is located on the steering column. Finally, the fuel system brings fuel to the engine for combustion. For combustion, think spark plugs, fuel ... read more