Posted on 6/10/2024

Do you have your summer vacation all planned out? What about your car, van or truck that is staying at home while you are gone? You might be tempted to unhook the battery but don't do it. Keep the battery hooked up as usual. Your battery will be just fine. Unhooking it could cause problems. It just isn't worth it. It is possible for the brakes to seize and brake pads could become rusty. To avoid a bigger problem, do not engage the parking brake. Be sure to wash and if possible, wax the outside of your vehicle. This is important when the vehicle is not going to be driven for an extended period of time. Tree sap, dirt and bird droppings can cause paint damage if left on for extended periods of time. Let's talk about those critters that seem to be attractive to vehicles that do not move often. You don't want to come back from a very nice vacation to issues with rodents. Trust me on this one! To help deter them, place peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them in the gl ... read more
Posted on 12/18/2023

Look at this picture! It sure brings back memories of my childhood. Our family of 6 would travel to see our maternal grandparents each Sunday. Our ride was a station wagon (of course) and we would often ride with the back window down. If we were driving home at night, we would lie on our backs and look out at the stars. Along came seatbelts and our rides to grandparents became a lot safer! Many of us will be hitting the roads to visit family, friends or others this holiday season. Whether you are traveling by air, land or sea please buckle up and be safe!