Posted on 2/26/2024

This warmer weather sure has me thinking about upcoming road trip season! As the weather gets warmer, many of us will be rolling our windows down to engage our senses. AHHH! Think, Road Trip Safety! The young children in our vehicles will want to do the same thing. You may want to consider setting the lock windows option to a setting that you are comfortable with. Our grandson loves to have his window down all the way as often as he can. Sometimes his thermostat is set just a bit lower that ours! LOL! Engaging the child locks on your rear doors would be another safety issue to consider. While not too many children will try to open the car doors, accidents can happen when they are goofing around. As always, stay safe out there!  
Posted on 2/22/2024

Hard to argue with these facts
Posted on 2/21/2024

An exhaust leak can cause dangerous carbon monoxide fumes to enter the cabin in your vehicle. These fumes are odorless, colorless and lethal. With an exhaust leak you may hear an increase in engine noise, experience poor fuel economy or notice a burning smell. If you have ANY suspicions of an exhaust leak, have us check it out at once. Safety comes first!  
Posted on 2/20/2024

Do you own a newer vehicle? Have you thought about keeping this vehicle for an extended period of time? Maybe for its lifetime? There are many advantages to holding on to your vehicle; even after it has reached the Cinderella Era. You ask: "What's the Cinderella Era?" This is the period after the loan is paid off, but your vehicle is still in good condition. "The financial benefits of keeping your vehicle long after you have paid it off are significant," said Rich White, executive director, Car Care Council. Wouldn't be nice to drive your vehicle without worrying about it breaking down. Rich White also has a very wise proposition to how we can financially prepare for those maintenance and repair bills: "By allocating the equivalent of just one car payment annually during the Cinderella Era and saving the rest, you can cover an entire year's worth of basic maintenance and grow your nest egg." Some great advice!  
Posted on 2/15/2024

Such a dedicated eagle, keeping those eggs warm! Was it a late winter? Is this a female or male eagle? Did the eagle break the snow pile loose? Did those eggs survive and eaglets hatch? So many questions! Thankful this was not how eagles in our area woke up this morning!