Posted on 12/29/2021

That rattling noise is your vehicle telling you something is not right. Our vehicles, like our bodies, generally warn of us that something is wrong. The excessive loud noises you are hearing are, most likely, indications that something within your exhaust systems needs attention. You may have holes or cracks somewhere in the exhaust system. Your vehicle may be showing signs of rust or cracks in any component of your exhaust system, which indicates corrosion. If you feel drowsiness while driving or smell an odor, like rotten eggs, this may be a serious sign that fumes are leaking through the vents and into your passenger area. This is very important to have this fixed immediately! Maintaining routine exhaust system services will save you from having to replace the entire exhaust system down the road. More information on the exhaust system, click below:…n-exh ... read more
Posted on 12/14/2021

Tires for winter; I’m really glad to hear you are thinking about your tires; especially for winter driving. A checklist for your tires: *the tread depth is adequate, *there are no severe cracks or punctures that cannot be repaired. *the tire pressure on all of your tires (including spare) have the correct amount of air. Be sure to check them at least once a month. *they have been rotated and balanced for the past 6,000 miles. For more information on measuring tread depth click on the question below