Posted on 7/3/2024

This photo was posted to a FB group that I belong to. Yellowstone is such a spectacular place to see! I absolutely love the buffalo and Yellowstone! Doesn't get any better than this! If you have not been to this national park, get your vehicle vacation-ready! You have got to put this place on your vacation destination list.  
Posted on 7/2/2024

We will be closed July 4th & 5th so our hard-working crew can spend some quality time with their families and friends. We will be back to BAU on Monday July 8th. We hope you all have a FUN & SAFE holiday!  
Posted on 6/20/2024

Today is the longest day of the year! And the official start of SUMMER!! People of all ages are lovin' these warm days.... even our dogs! Enjoy this marvelous 1st day of summer!  
Posted on 2/15/2024

Such a dedicated eagle, keeping those eggs warm! Was it a late winter? Is this a female or male eagle? Did the eagle break the snow pile loose? Did those eggs survive and eaglets hatch? So many questions! Thankful this was not how eagles in our area woke up this morning!  
Posted on 1/31/2024

January 31st! We have made it through the first month of 2024! While some of us are thankful for the snowstorm we received, others are thankful it was just ONE big snowstorm (and secretly hoping it will be the only one!). February gives us another chance to continue any resolutions that we started in January. Or perhaps another chance to make changes that have been on our minds. Either way, February is a clean slate! Make it a good one!