I absolutely LOVE Fall! The weather is great and the tree colors are vibrant and beautiful. The Fall season also means less daylight hours. The Car Care Council would like us to be aware that with less daylight means we will be using our vehicle’s lights more. We know this of course, but may not think of it in regards to safety.
If you haven’t already, check all your lights to make sure they are working correctly. This includes headlights, tail lights, brake lights (all three), turn signals, fog lights, and your interior dome lights.
Pay particular attention to your headlights and tail lights. It is crucial for your safety and the safety of others that these lights work, are aimed correctly and the covers are clean for best visibility. If your car sits outside a lot, the headlights will start to look fogged over. At any local parts store, you will find a special cleaner that is available to clean them so they shine like new! Not to mention being safe and visible.