Posted on 2/18/2022

A battery that drains quickly can really put you in a pickle! Other than human error (like leaving an overhead light on), there are 4 main reasons that your battery could be draining quickly. The first thing to consider is age. Your vehicle’s battery should be replaced about every 4-5 years. The next thing to consider is the alternator. The purpose of the alternator is to keep the battery charged. Obviously if this is bad your battery will drain quickly. A third reason for your battery to be draining quickly could be a poor or intermittent ground connection (see picture below). This can cause charging problems including not charging at all. If you continue to have a battery issue there is most likely something within the vehicle that is continuing to run after the key is turned off. Even though your vehicle may be turned off, the battery power is still being used for your cell phones, tablets, your car’s security system or remote ... read more
Posted on 2/15/2022

When your Check Engine light comes on, do you react with utter panic or do you just want to ignore it and hope it goes away? Maybe you react both ways. That same Check Engine light could come on for anything from a serious engine or transmission problem all the way down to a loose gas cap. So how do you determine if it’s an emergency or not? If the light is flashing or red you will need to get your vehicle to a repair shop ASAP to prevent catalytic converter or other damage! If the light is not flashing, you will still want to get your vehicle in to a repair shop to determine why the light is on, but you can still drive until your appointment. The mechanic will connect a “scan tool” to your vehicle’s on board diagnostic system. The scan will tell the technician the cause of your problem or it may require further testing to pinpoint the exact cause of the problem. Once the problem is determined, the repairs are made and the Check Engine light is reset. Problem solved ... read more
Posted on 2/9/2022

As in many situations, your truck could be losing power and running rough for different reasons. I would first look at the spark plugs and maybe spark plug wires as possible issues. The purpose of a spark plug is to produce the “spark” necessary to ignite the gas and air in your truck’s engine. When this happens a combustion reaction takes place that provides energy to your truck. Each spark plug, in your vehicle, sits in its own cylinder. So if your vehicle has 4, 6 or 8 cylinders it also has the same number of spark plugs. Each spark plug has a wire as well. The spark plug wires generally get replaced at the same time as the spark plugs. They become brittle and then need replacement. To watch a short video on spark plugs; click on the link below
Posted on 2/8/2022

Most of us know that an alignment will align or straighten the wheels on our vehicles to factory specifications. So, why is this so important? Benefits of an alignment Having the tires in alignment will reduce the wear on them. It’s kind of like your spine, when it’s out of alignment, then your body has to overcompensate for that misalignment. In turn, some muscles are stretched more than they should. Our bodies then do not work as well as they should. Your car’s wheels are the spine and when they are not aligned your car has to work harder at going straight down the road. Signs an alignment is needed Here are some indications that your vehicle needs an alignment: 1) when you get new tires put on 2) abnormal tire wear 3) pulls to one side (steering wheel is off center) 4) slamming your car into a curb 5) the suspension or steering has worn out or has broken parts. You should have your car’s alignment checked once a year. This should be done earlier if your car is experiencing any ... read more
Posted on 2/4/2022

What is a fuel tank pressure sensor? This sensor is part of the emissions system. It reads how much pressure is in the fuel system and can detect a leak. If a leak is detected, your vehicle may not be running smoothly or may stall. You could also have gas in the vacuum hose or into the oil system