WARNING! reading this article may make you feel uncomfortable BUT could also strike a sense of calm for many of you. We are talking today about the CEL; also known as the Check Engine Light
First, let's take a look at the "don't ignore me" CEL. This CEL is flashing yellow, or it could be red. If you see this light on the dash; you need to call us right away! The light is warning you of possible severe damage to the catalytic converter or other components. You should not drive at highway speeds, tow or haul heavy loads. Drive with care to our shop.
Second, if the CEL light is glowing steadily, you should keep an eye on it for a day or two. If the light doesn’t go off, schedule an appointment with us to get it checked out.
Thirdly, take a few deep breaths! Try not to stress too much over the CEL light. Give us a call at
608-782-1375 and we will get to the cause of the CEL so you can rest easier.