Posted on 1/5/2024
Getting repairs or maintenance done on our vehicles just isn't fun. We have to go without our vehicles for a day to a week or longer. Many of us put off repairs and/or maintenance for many different reasons. The danger in doing this, of course, is we risk creating more issues or damage to our vehicles. The following 5 repairs need to be completed sooner than later for this very reason. 1. Worn engine/motor mounts. These mounts hold your engine in place. Obviously if the engine is not secured properly with these mounts, you risk other parts breaking. 2. Exhaust leaks. Not only are exhaust issues loud, but you risk the fumes entering inside your vehicle and potential health risks. 3. Fluid leaks. We all put off this repair way longer than we should. It's easier to just add the oil or power steering fluid. Over time this bad habit will cause other issues. 4. Worn shocks and struts. These rarely go bad overnight. So, when you start to feel like you're driving a boat or hear ... read more
Posted on 1/4/2024
Are you a New Year Resolution type of person? How about making ONE resolution for your vehicle? You read that right... a resolution for your vehicle (times the # of vehicles you own). I have an idea that is really simple and easy to do. Follow these 4 steps for each of your vehicles on a WEEKLY basis. That's it... just once a week! 1. Check the tire pressure--- In winter months they are going to read lower than recommended so be sure to check them after the car has been driven a few miles. After you get home from work or running errands, would be a great time. 2. Check your hoses for cracks, dry or brittle material. 3, Top off your coolant and washer fluid 4. Check your oil. Running extremely low or out of oil is setting your vehicle's engine up for failure. At the very least check the Bob's Auto Service oil change sticker in the upper left corner of your windshield. This will tell you about when your next oil change is due. Now this is a super easy and quick way to keep ... read more
Posted on 12/29/2023
We want to wish all of you a very Happy New Year! Thank you all for your friendship and business in 2023! From all of us at Bob's Auto Service  
Posted on 12/29/2023
We all dread the moment our battery dies while out and about getting this done on our To Do List. Ugh! What about when you are the passenger, and this happens? Do you know what to do next? If you have ever wondered what the proper way is to use jumper cables, click on the link below. How To: Jump a Car Battery ( This video is a great demonstration of how to safely and correctly use jumper cables to jump start a battery. Wishing you safe travels over this holiday weekend.  
Posted on 12/18/2023
Look at this picture! It sure brings back memories of my childhood. Our family of 6 would travel to see our maternal grandparents each Sunday. Our ride was a station wagon (of course) and we would often ride with the back window down. If we were driving home at night, we would lie on our backs and look out at the stars. Along came seatbelts and our rides to grandparents became a lot safer! Many of us will be hitting the roads to visit family, friends or others this holiday season. Whether you are traveling by air, land or sea please buckle up and be safe!