Posted on 7/11/2023

We think our customers are the best! You are all ___________________!! Fill in the blank.  
Posted on 7/10/2023

Porcupines are so cute! I guess bubble baths are not for them! Hope your Monday has gone well so far.  
Posted on 6/29/2023

Mufflers are part of the exhaust system. This system routes dangerous gas from the engine out and away from our vehicles. It also reduces exhaust noise. When the exhaust gets noisy, we automatically assume it is the muffler, but this is not necessarily so. There is also O2 (oxygen) sensors, catalytic converter(s), exhaust pipe, resonator and a tail pipe that could be the culprit. Keep an eye on the exhaust system if you hear noises when starting, accelerating or braking.  
Posted on 6/28/2023

Boy does this picture bring back memories! All the girls had to get a pair of Dr. Scholl sandals. The pain we put ourselves through just to wear these sandals!! My feet hurt just looking at the picture!  
Posted on 6/7/2023

This is got to be one of the cutest pictures! I'll bet after this man was done painting his daughter's (or granddaughter's) nails, he got his painted by her! Have a super upcoming weekend everybody!