Posted on 8/8/2023

Are you looking for something to do today? Or maybe this weekend? The below link is for The Old Hwy 131 Trail through the Kickapoo Valley Reserve. It offers a short 4+ mile paved bike trail through the unique landscape of the Kickapoo Valley near La Farge, Wisconsin. Enjoy your day!  
Posted on 8/3/2023

It is going to be a hot and humid one today and tomorrow! Hang in there as cooler weather is expected next week
Posted on 8/1/2023

Yes, I am this olTwo keys for each car... one for locking/unlocking the doors and the other to put in the ignition. Now with the newer cars all we need is a key fob to lock/unlock the doors and a simply push a button to start the car! Wow! Simply amazing. Check out that temperature control. AND it controls the temp for the whole car. No dual control temperature settings here! My dad's sky-blue Dodge had the wing windows. I remember the breezes that would flow through those things. Very nice feature for sure. Did you own a car with any of these early features? See insights and ads ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2023

Dogs love a good old chase! My mind immediately went to a childhood memory I have of our dog Cookie. Cookie was a white lab that loved to chase tractors down the gravel road. He also was there for all the shenanigans the 4 of us came up with! And there were many! Do you have a pet memory from your childhood? Please share.  
Posted on 7/28/2023

Friday... the gateway to a great weekend! Enjoy everyone! See insights and ads Boost post Like Comment Share